Loan payment protection insurance provides financial security in unexpected situations that may affect your ability to make loan payments. If you face challenging circumstances, such as incapacity for work or job-loss, the insurance can help cover your loan payments.
You can add loan payment protection insurance to the Liisi Plus contract and to all small loans except for refinancing loan.The insurance can be conveniently added through our self-service platform before signing the loan agreement. For more detailed information about loan payment protection insurance, please refer to our FAQ page or click the loan insurance information tooltip in self-service before signing the loan agreement.
The insurance premium is displayed in the loan offer, and the agreement can be conveniently signed along with the loan agreement.
The insurance premium can be conveniently paid together with the loan payment.
You can focus on what matters, knowing that your financial obligations are secured.
The provider of loan payment protection insurance is If P&C Insurance AS. Please familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions In the event of a claim, please call +372 777 1211 or submit your claim at
Posti 30, 90504 HaapsaluReg. code 14080830VAT EE101970615
+372 675 5055[email protected]