Price list

Loans for private clients

Conclusion of a loan agreementup to 2% of loan amount, at least €30
Premature repayment of the loan in part or in
0.5% of the loan amount to be repaid or 1% of the loan amount to be repaid if the period between the day of premature repayment and the term of the agreement is longer than one year
Amendment of the terms and conditions of the
– amendment of the payment date (the initial
amendment of the payment date is free of
– amendment of the period;
– all amendments of the loan that are not listed
in the price list as separate amendment points.

Home and mortgage loan for a private client

Conclusion and amendment of the loan
1% of loan amount, at least €150
Premature repayment of the loan in part or in
three-month interest amount. In the case of a three-month’s notice, the early repayment fee does not apply; only the agreement interest for the time during which the loan amount was in use has to be paid.

Hire purchase

Fee for drawing up Liisi instalment agreement According to the fee fixed at the instalment partner 
Fee for drawing up Liisi Pluss instalment agreement €9,90  
Drawing up Liisi3 or Liisi6 instalment agreement Free of charge  
Amendment of the terms and conditions of the agreement: 
– amendment of the payment date (the initial 
amendment of the payment date is free of 
– amendment of the period; 
– all amendments of the loan that are not listed in the price list as separate amendment points. 
Premature repayment of the loan in part or in  full 0.5% of the loan amount to be repaid or 1% of the loan amount to be repaid if the period between the day of premature repayment and the term of the agreement is longer than one year 

Credit card

Renewing upon expiryFree of charge
ClosureFree of charge
Monthly feeFree of charge
Submitting an unjustified demand for refund€20 per transaction
Checking the account balance in all ATMs€0.47 per operation
Amendment of the terms and conditions of the
Other operations in ATMs€0.47 per operation
Fee for transactions in foreign currency
(from 1 May 2024)
1% of the transaction amount
Cash withdrawal in Estonia and rest of Europe€2
Cash withdrawal outside of Europe€2 + 2.6% of the amount

Leasing for private clients

Concluding the agreementfrom 1% of the purchase price of the property, at least €150
Amendment of the terms and conditions of the
from 1% of the amount of unpaid instalments, at least €150
Premature termination of the agreement and
repayment of the credit amount
Free (interest for time used)
Purchase of the leased item by a third party€90
Issue of an unattested proxy, a copy of the
agreement, a repeat invoice, a certificate, a
balance confirmation, and another document
related to the agreement, upon the request of
the client
Issue of a paper-based invoice€2.4*
A standard Issue of a notarised authorisation
Drawing up a transaction in the e-service of the
Transport Administration
€48* (plus the state fee)
Confirmation of the right to sublease the leased
Notice of breach of the agreement€6*
The processing fee for a claim arising from a
violation of parking conditions or other
legislation (including the costs of moving the
€48* (plus the effective charges)
Compensation for delay in returning the leased
item on time (per day)
Processing fee for organising the transfer of
possession of the leased item in case of breach
of the agreement
1.5% of the amount of unpaid instalments, at least €450 (plus the effective charges)
Concluding the loan agreement1% of loan amount, at least €150
Handling of an insured event€90

*Total with VAT.
The fees reflected in the price list are standard fees and may differ based on the agreement between the parties.

Other fees

Late payment interest rateThe rate fixed in the agreement
Reminder upon delays in paymentFree of charge
Sending a debt notice€5
Sending a notice of cancellation of the
agreement to a business client
Debt notices after the due date of the loanIf the claim of the bank is up to €500:
– fee for the first debt notice €15
– fee for the second and third debt notice €5
If the claim of the bank is €501–€1,000:
– fee for the first debt notice €20
– fee for the second and third debt notice €5
If the claim of the bank is more than €1,000:
– fee for the first debt notice €25
– fee for the second and third debt notice €5
Preparation and issue of a certificate /
confirmation letter (from 1 January 2023)
Fee for concluding a debt arrangementup to 2% of the loan amount, at least €30
Drawing up
a grace

The service charges specified in the price list may be subject to value added tax pursuant to the Value Added tax Act.
Holm Bank AS may change the price list by notifying thereof one month in advance on the website (it is not necessary to notify of adding a new service or reducing the price of a service).
The price list of Holm Bank AS is valid as of 4 May 2023.

Starting from 5 April 2025, a new price list for Holm Bank's private customers will take effect. You can view it here.

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