Holm Bank's footprint

Holm is a bank of good plans, aiming to reduce the footprint we leave as a company and as people. We strive to achieve sustainability goals and actively explore opportunities for the benefit of society, working towards this objective.

We adhere to responsible lending policies and contribute to the societal well-being by creating value at both individual and societal levels, generating employment, and enhancing overall quality of life.

Holm Bank's footprint

Principles of sustainable and responsible operation

We constantly improve work processes for the implementation of the principles of sustainable and responsible activity by applying various environmental, social and management measures. In our daily work, we contribute to the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11 and 12.

Environmental measures (E)

We work on reducing the impact of our activities on the environment by sorting waste and reducing the amount of paper used in office work.
We offer customers products that allow them to reduce their environmental impact (home energy loan) and support companies that operate with climate objectives in mind and contribute to the development of a sustainable economy.

Social measures (S)

We issues loans only in accordance with the principles of responsible lending based on good banking practice and high ethical standards. The bank’s activities are always in accordance with and do not compromise generally accepted ethical, environmental, and legal principles. When making positive loan decisions, we believe in the integrity, ability, and financial capacities of the customers to fulfil their obligations. We do not credit customers when it is likely that they are unable to service their liabilities.
We have set the goal of high employee satisfaction and loyalty, versatility, equality, and inclusion, retaining and motivating talent, valuing employee well-being through very good management.

We take care of the our employees by constantly improving the work processes and increasing employee welfare. We support our employees’ professional and personal development by offering opportunities for growth within the organization and facilitating training.

Starting in 2023, we use the Moticheck software service for the ongoing evaluation of employee satisfaction. Moticheck provides a modern and innovative solution to support managers and understand the working life and needs of our employees.
We have created a need-based training plan and employees select specific trainings to meet their needs additionally to the regular in-house trainings to keep and develop our employees competence. In 2023, we started a leadership development program aimed at training leaders in modern management techniques (e.g. coaching and value-based management). During the management development program, unified management principles were agreed upon and described.
We prioritise gender equality and adhere to a strict policy of non-discrimination. Our remuneration policy is transparent and fair.
In 2023,Holm launched its intranet to facilitate effective dissemination of information among employees, ensuring everyone stays well-informed and enabling easy and quick access to essential materials and documents that employees need for daily tasks.
We value the balance between work and personal life. We operates on the principles of flexibility in working arrangements, offering flexible working hours and remote work options to all employees, where feasible based on the nature of their work.

In 2023, the Targa Töö Ühing and Eesti Personalijuhtimise Ühing PARE awarded us the label of Working Remotely (Kaugtöö Tegija). The Working Remotely label is a quality mark that shows that the organization thoughtfully implements modern and flexible work practices.
Holm's work environment is safe and employee-friendly. Regular health checks are ensured, and additional health insurance is provided. We promote employees’ mental health by providing bank-wide trainings for all employees, e.g. on coping with stress, sleep, healthy eating, etc.
Holm Banks values charity and has been a long-standing supporter of several cultural events, sport associations, and individuals, etc. More detailed overview is on page Holm Cares.

Management measures (G)

Holm Bank’s risk management is based on our defined risk appetite. Bank only takes risks that do not exceed its risk capacity and ensures that activities that require risk taking always remain within the risk capacity. Risk metrics are constantly monitored, and risk appetite statement together with risk assessment procedures is updated at least once a year to ensure that the risk indicators and processes constantly correspond to the needs and capabilities of the growing business.
We pay our employees a competitive salary in line with the market.
An application enabling anonymous reporting has been created to prevent violations and fraud.
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